measure of shadows (portion)
Photographs taken by Vladislava Kuzmanova - @impiavita @itsvladislavah
Curation & assamblence done by Vladislava Kuzmanova - @impiavita @itsvladislavah
Photographs taken by Vladislava Kuzmanova - @impiavita @itsvladislavah
Curation & assamblence done by Vladislava Kuzmanova - @impiavita @itsvladislavah
Creative project and performance based on the idea of Professor Alexander Mandjukov
Participating in the 1st course of dance theater, NATFA class of 2023-2027; @classmandzhukov2027
Participating in the 1st course of dance theater, NATFA class of 2023-2027; @classmandzhukov2027
for better visual experience turn on dark mode
for better visual experience turn on dark mode
© Vladislava Kuzmanova 2023
This project exist only to showcase the creative talent of the people on the photographs, as well as my own creative vision on the subject. I strictly forbid the usage of my photos in any contests, exhibition, shows, festivals, advertisements, and for financial gains without my permission and without credit being given to me as the photograper.
Thank you to the girls for giving me the opportunity to photograph their performence!
This project exist only to showcase the creative talent of the people on the photographs, as well as my own creative vision on the subject. I strictly forbid the usage of my photos in any contests, exhibition, shows, festivals, advertisements, and for financial gains without my permission and without credit being given to me as the photograper.
Thank you to the girls for giving me the opportunity to photograph their performence!